We believe
communities matter.

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Who we are

We are a small charity recognised as the national lead body for community development in Scotland.

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What we do

We work with communities, practitioners and policy makers to build on their skills and ideas when working together in communities.

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Our people

With a wealth of experience working with communities and across sectors, our commitment to communities is at the heart of who we are.

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New: Our vision for local democracy to strengthen community action

This is our response to the Democracy Matters 2 consultation where we’re calling for Scottish Government and CoSLA’s commitment to a new ‘Local Democracy Bill’ to include measures that give communities greater power and control over the issues the affect them.

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Battlefield Community Street Party July 2010 042.jpg

Community development is a way of bringing people together to take action on what's important to them.

Community Development
in 60 seconds ➜


The SCDC Weekly

What you need to know, every Wednesday.

Bringing together the shared knowledge of our team, and SCDC’s position working across a range of sectors, the SCDC Weekly will stay concise, clear and give you the context you need to deliver your work.