Learning, Evaluation and Planning

The LEAP Framework

Note: Leap Online was discontinued in August 2021. An PDF which follows the Leap process is available to download here.

The LEAP framework is designed to support a partnership approach to achieving change and improvement in the quality of community life.

It describes both an approach to change and a 5 step planning and evaluation cycle that can be used to implement this approach. 

The LEAP approach is based on 5 simple but important principles:

  • We should plan and act according to need

  • We should be clear about what we hope to achieve and whether we've achieved it - planning and evaluation should be outcome focused

  • We should recognise that achieving change depends on building on and using people's strengths and abilities - planning and evaluation should seek to build on capacity and develop assets

  • We should plan, act and evaluate in partnership and involve communities as key stakeholders

  • We should be committed to learning from what we do, and from each other and applying this learning to improve our effectiveness and efficiency.

View the Leap Manual here.

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