Engagement event: What does good Community Engagement and Involvement look like?
Friday 10th February 2023 from 12.30pm - 3pm.
Aberdeen City Council and community planning partners invite you to take part in this online learning opportunity.
Are you a member of the community, involved in a community committee, council or a volunteer who wants to make a difference? Then these sessions are for you.
The Scottish Community Development Centre (SCDC) will deliver two workshops for community members to explore what good community engagement looks like.
The sessions will cover:
What community development (CD) is (See CD in 60 seconds | SCDC - We believe communities matter)
Exploring the National Standards for Community Engagement (See The National Standards — VOiCE (voicescotland.org.uk))
Plenty of opportunities for discussion and sharing your experience
The first session will take place on Friday 10th February 2023 from 12.30pm - 3pm.
The sessions won’t be recorded, but materials used will be made available afterwards. For further information please contact info@scdc.org.uk.