Community-led Action Research - Roundtable Discussion
Monday 23rd September 2024: 1.30pm – 3.00pm on Zoom
1.30pm: Welcome and Introduction to the Session
1.35pm: Recap – where we are now and how we got to this point – what is community-led action research and why is it important? Input from David Allan, Deputy Director of SCDC.
1.45pm: Current work in supporting community involvement in action research across the UK – inputs from
Al Mathers, Director of Research at The Young Foundation
Chris Manion and Kirsty Neal at British Science Association
2.15pm: Breakout group discussion:
What issues do we need consider to further develop community-led action research?
What actions can you undertake to support community-led action research moving forward?
2.45pm: Plenary session – key points from discussion and next steps
3.00pm: Close