A more deliberative approach to decisions

The nature of potential change is both complex and systemic in its impacts. Therefore, a careful deliberative process is needed to further develop the ideas emerging from DM2 to stress test these and consider the opportunities and trade-offs involved to ensure change is deliverable.

This process should be careful and considered, but not slow for its own sake. We would favour a citizens’ assembly style approach which builds on the results of DM2 and brings community representatives, citizens and some other stakeholders together to explore options in more depth, based on hearing evidence and information sessions from others with similar experience to share useful insights into the potential options.

Wherever possible, implementing DM2 at local levels should also utilise deliberative approaches rather than the adversarial approaches which can develop. This allows for the full implications of decisions to be explored prior to key decisions being made. The design assumption of implementation should be that local decision making is improved based on the fullest possible understanding of all its intended and unintended impacts. A wider deliberative process is also a way to draw in a more diverse group of local people to discussions, on issues they relate to, in order to ensure that not only those in representative roles have a say, but that a much wider dialogue is informing thinking on ways forward.