We have called this resource a toolkit because toolkits are used  to help people to build or make things. This one is about building community organisations or community groups.

All the materials and exercises have been designed to help your organisation to become stronger and more effective and to achieve what you want to achieve.

The tools and materials will help you to consider How your organisation works together to do the things  you need to do to meet the needs of your members. This includes how your committee works, getting and making the most of funding and how you stay connected to your wider membership.

It will also look at how you plan and run activities  for your community and how to campaign for policy change and influence services affecting refugees  quality of life.

Watch this short video to find out more about the toolkit

Module index

Here are the titles on the different sections of the toolkit. If you click on these it will take you to the correct section of the webpages.

  • Introduction / How to use the toolkit (this page)

  • Organisational Health Check – Considering your strengths and challenges

  • Module 1: Getting Started (The Foundations)

  • Module 2: Running Your Organisation (Governance)

  • Module 3: Understanding Our Community’s Needs (Community Engagement And Involvement)

  • Module 4: Planning Your Work Effectively (Making A Group Action Plan)

  • Module 5: Showing You've Made A Difference (Monitoring And Evaluation)

  • Module 6: Getting The Funding You Need (Fundraising Strategy)

  • Module 7: Looking After Your Group’s Money (Financial Accountability)

  • Module 8 Running Events And Services (Risks, Safety & Responsibilities)

  • Module 9: Working Together For Change (Participation And Campaigning)

  • Reviewing Your Progress

Before starting on module one its important to consider the current strengths and challenges that you organisation faces. To help you do this we have designed an organisational “health check” that you should complete as part of preparing for module one.

If you are not sure how do this wee will cover some of the content as part of the tasks in module one.