Module 6: Getting the funding you need



The purpose of this module is to help you to access the funding you need by producing a well thought out funding plan. This will help you to maintain your organisation in the long term. This is called sustainability.  It involves looking ahead and making plans for the future. 

 This module will help you to think about

  • Think about the funding needs of your group in the short, medium and long term

  • Create a Funding Plan to help you get the funding you need

  • Identify funders who might fund your work

  • Develop good relationships with funders

  • Gather the information you need to make applications and report to funders

  • Feel confident about filling in funding application forms and making strong applications

All of the modules will help you to get funding

Although this module is focused on how to get funding, all of the modules will support you to get funding by helping to make your organisation stronger and more effective. The stronger and more effective your organisation is, the more chance you will have of getting funding. 

To make good applications and get the funding you need, it is important to:

  • Know your purpose (Module 2) – funders want to know that your organisation has a clear purpose

  • Run your organisation well (Module 2) – most funders will ask you questions about your governance and how your organisation is run

  • Understand the needs in your community (Module 3) – once you understand the needs, you can plan what you can do as an organisation to meet those needs

  • Have a clear project plan (Module 4) – if you don’t already have a project plan, then please go to Module 4 to help you create one. This will make sure that you are clear about what you want to do and what your priorities are.

  • Be able to show that you are making a difference (Module 5) – this module will help you to both know and show that you are making a difference

  • Show that you can manage money well (Module 7) – once you get money, this module will help you to manage it. Once you have a Project Plan (Module 4), you can then begin to consider what money, support or other help you need to do it. These are often called resources


Let’s get started -  Getting the funding you need

As a group, discuss:

  • How successful have you been before in getting funding?

  • What are the main challenges you face when applying for funding?

Write your answers onto a flipchart or note them in this form.


1. Making a Funding Plan

Just as with other areas of your work, it's a good idea to make a written Funding Plan so that everyone has a common understanding of what you want to achieve and who is doing what to achieve it. This module will help you to work through each area of a Funding Plan.

This is different from your Project Plan, which details your outcomes and your activities - although it is related to how you get the resources you need to deliver your Project Plan. 

The Funding Plan builds on your Project Plan by costing up the activities, considering where to get the funds and agreeing how you will do it.

Now watch this presentation on how to make a Funding Plan.


Group discussion 1 - Starting to make a Funding Plan 

As a group, discuss:

  • Do you want to make a funding plan for one year, two years or three years?

  • Looking at your project plan, what are the different projects that you want to do? 

  • If you are doing it already, who is currently funding this work and will they continue to fund it?

  • What activities and things are currently not funded? 

  • What do you need money for, including staff, volunteer and running costs, and how much will this cost?

Take notes and complete Part 1 of the Funding Plan Template.


2. Identifying funders

Before you start working on your applications, it’s important to identify the right funders. 

Things to consider when looking at funders are:

  • What type of organisations do they fund?

  • What kind of activities and projects do they fund?

  • How much will they fund and for how long?

  • What are the timescales for submitting applications and for making decisions?

Watch this presentation to find out more about choosing the right funder.


Group Discussion 2 Identifying funders

Now read the first section of the Funding Tips Factsheet which will help you identify some funders. Use the internet to find out more. 

As a group, discuss:

  • What potential funders do you think you could go to? Note down their criteria, amount of funding available, closing dates and decision dates. 

  • Agree a potential funder for each item as well as a back-up funder (a second funder in case your first application is unsuccessful) 

  • Agree who is going to complete the application and when you are going to submit it. 

Take notes and complete Part 2 of the Funding Plan Template.


3. Making strong funding applications

You should now have the beginnings of a Funding Plan. Now, let’s look at how to make strong funding applications and what funders usually want to know.

Watch this presentation on what funders want to know and how to answer well. 

For more useful funding tips, please see our Funding Tips Factsheet. The factsheet also covers what to do if you are both successful and unsuccessful, including how to report to funders.


Group discussion 3 – Gathering information

Look at the application questions in the last section of the Funding Tips Factsheet.

As a group, discuss:

  • What information do you need to gather?

  • Do you have all the information you need? If not, then discuss how you are going to develop or gather all the information?

Take notes and complete Part 3 of the Funding Plan Template.

When you have finished, think about whether It would be helpful for your group to practice as a team on an application form which can be used as a reference for future funding applications.


Group Discussion 4: What else might you need other than money? People, Places, things

Now think about what you might need apart from money? This could be volunteers, people who could help, organisations who could help, venues, equipment

As a group, discuss:  

  • What other things or people could help you with what you want to do?

  • How could you access these to help with your work?

Take notes and complete Part 4 of the Funding Plan Template.


Putting your Funding Plan into action

Now it’s time to put your Funding Plan into action.

Think about how you are going to monitor your work


  • How often will you meet to check how things are going?

  • Who will meet?

Add these details into Part 5 Funding Plan Template.

When you meet, discuss:

  • Progress made and decisions on any of the funding applications

  • Whether you need to update the plan or to make any changes

Good luck!