Organising for Integration
Opportunity for Refugee Community Organisations and Refugee Supporting Groups


Organisational Health Check

As committee members, you know how well your own organisation works  and where you might need to make it stronger. 

Its import important to think about how you can increase the skills and knowledge in you group to help you achieve what you want to do for your communities.

Just as you might go to the doctor for a health check for yourself, this survey based checklist is a health check for your organisation.

It is designed to help you to think about your group’s strengths and any challenges you might face and what areas you would like to focus on and what modules would be most useful for your group.

It is important to consider how to strengthen skills across your whole committee or organising group and whether skills and knowledge are shared, rather than only focusing on the skills and knowledge of one or two people.

It's also worth remembering that learning new skills  for your running your group can also be useful in other areas of your members lives.

The best way to do the checklist

The best approach is to have a discussion as a group.

There are ten sections in the health check which relate to the sections  in the toolkit. For each of these  there are  some questions for you to think about.

You don’t have to answer each individual question. These are just to help you to decide whether you think that particular module could be a High, Medium or Low priority for your group.

  • High priority: You find the things the module covers challenging at times. You could do more in this area so would be very interested to learn more.

  • Medium priority: You are doing ok with this and have some knowledge within our committee but would be interested to learn more.

  • Low priority: You  do this very well and have a lot of knowledge within our committee so it doesn’t apply to our group.

So when you have decided, you can note your answers using this link to the electronic version.

If you would rather complete paper versions of the survey with your group please download the PDF here

You can view the video of how to complete the toolkit here.

To download a PDF worksheet version of the toolkit click here

For a facilitators tips sheet click here

How to use the checklist