What’s next for the Human Rights Bill in Scotland?

This article was featured in the SCDC Weekly - 26th June 2024.

The Scottish Government has committed to passing a new Bill that will incorporate human rights into Scots law for the first time. But where are we now, and what’s coming next? 

Last week the Human Rights Consortium in Scotland brought together organisations to explore that question, and why the Bill has such importance and potential. HRCS Director, Mhairi Snowden, said: “A human rights-based approach does and will improve our public services. We cannot afford not to put this Bill through.” 

The Bill was due to be introduced this summer, but the General Election has meant this has been delayed, with the government committing to passing it before the end of this parliament in May 2026. 

The Bill will incorporate economic, social and cultural rights, disabled people’s rights, rights of black and ethnic minority people, and women’s rights. Along with this it will include a right to a healthy environment, an equality clause and specific rights for older people and LGBT+ people. 

Last month 120 charities said that the ‘Human Rights Bill promise must be delivered’, especially as the First Minister made clear that eliminating child poverty will be the government’s top priority. 

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