What are renewable energy community benefits and how we do make the most of their impact?

This article was featured in the SCDC Weekly - 12th February 2025

How we produce energy is crucial to climate sustainability, and the growth of renewable energy projects has been significant. In 2023, 70% of Scotland’s energy was produced from renewable sources, with more in development.

An important part of renewable energy projects are community benefits schemes, which are additional funds that developers make available to communities, enabling them to share in the benefits of the project will bring.

How these benefits support community aspirations is crucial. With more than £30 million in community benefit funds distributed in the last 12 months, the schemes are now a significant part of the funding landscape for community organisations. 

The Scottish Government currently are running an online consultation around its onshore and offshore Good Practice Principles, to support communities and developers to get the best from community benefits.  

As part of this consultation, SCDC is working to understand the views of individuals and communities around Scotland on what the Scottish Government can do to help maximise the impact of community benefits.  

Two webinars are being held to provide an opportunity to find out more and ask questions about the review process, including what to expect from further community conversations, and how you can get involved. 

Sign up here: Wed. 19th Feb, 6pm-7:30pm & Thurs 20th Feb, 1pm-2:30pm

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