National Standards for Community Engagement - accessible formats

We're pleased to announce that new support materials have been produced to accompany the revised National Standards for Community Engagement.

Developed in partnership with Glasgow Disability Alliance (GDA), the National Standards for Community Engagement are now in the following accessible formats:

  • Easy Read version of the National Standards for Community Engagement
  • Easy Read - plain large print (18pt) of the National Standards for Community Engagement 
  • Easy Read - plain large print (24pt) of the National Standards for Community Engagement
  • Audio version (MP3) of the National Standards for Community Engagement
  • A braille version of the National Standards for Community Engagement is also available on request. 

View and download the accessible formats here.

"We recognised that the revised National Standards for Community Engagement would not be accessible to everybody, which led us to develop the easy read, audio and braille versions. All of the NSCE information has been transferred to accessible and easy to understand formats and we believe we have successfully managed to make the Standards accessible to many more people without losing the important information they contain." GDA Deputy CEO, Marianne Scobie

About the refreshed Standards

First developed in 2005, the Standards are key principles for effective practice which support community engagement and user involvement in Scotland, in areas such as community planning and health and social care. In so doing they are intended to complement and support Scotland's developing community empowerment landscape and in particular the implementation of the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015.

In 2015 and 2016, SCDC and What Works Scotland were commissioned by the Scottish Government to undertake a participatory process to review and update the Standards in light of the current context. The new revised National Standards for Community Engagement were launched in September 2016 by the Minister for Housing and Local Government, Kevin Stewart MSP, in Kelty Community Centre in Fife.

The National Standards for Community Engagement have been simplified to seven Standards, reflecting the main elements of good community engagement - Inclusion, Support, Planning, Working Together, Methods, Communication and Impact - see the accompanying image which can be downloaded as a pdf.

For more information or further support around accessible versions of the Standards, please contact Paul Nelis at SCDC on 0131 248 1924 or email