Climate Resources

This page features resources, useful organisations and other information related to community responses to the climate crisis.

  • Community-led health and climate justice - In this briefing, CHEX make the links between community-led health and climate action.

  • Scottish Communities Climate Action Network support community-led action in Scotland to address the climate and nature emergency and are the Transition Network Hub for Scotland – part of the wider, global Transition Network

  •  Regional Community Climate Hubs have been developing since 2021 and there are now over 20 in operation across Scotland.  The hubs exist to; build awareness of the climate emergency and actions local groups can take; support groups to develop climate action projects and embed climate solutions into local plans; help groups take up funding opportunities; facilitate networking; and ensure a joined-up approach to tackling climate change at a regional level. 

  • Nine Climate Action Towns were supported to explore the delivery of relevant, place appropriate climate actions. There is a helpful toolkit which steps through the processes and methodologies used by the Climate Action Towns team at Architecture and Design Scotland.

  • Ready Scotland have published national guidance on community resilience very recently called Building Resilient Communities.  

  • The Place Standard with a Climate Lens has been developed to help people understand how climate change might play out in a local area and support them to design their future place with climate in mind. It builds on the core Place Standard tool and is designed to support a joined up, collaborative, and participative approach to climate action within a place. 

  • SCVO’s Growing Climate Confidence initiative support charities, social enterprises and community groups across Scotland to take action on the climate emergency, support nature and biodiversity and ensure a just transition to a low carbon future for our communities. 

  • This briefing from Public Health Scotland aims to increase awareness of how climate change and adaptation responses can affect health and health inequalities. It also sets out evidence-based public health principles that support a whole-system approach to achieve climate resilience, health and equity. 

  • Adaptation Scotland have worked with partners to produce the Community Climate Adaptation Routemap, a practical guide for communities to adapt to climate change. The Routemap is split into three distinctive stages to launch then drive climate resilience in local areas: ‘getting started’, ‘understanding climate change in your community’, and ‘taking action’.  

  • These Climate Ready Clyde Climate Vulnerability Maps the postcode areas within the Glasgow City Region that are most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change, and provide information on where to target resources towards the most vulnerable communities, supporting Climate Ready Clyde’s focus on just resilience.  

  • This Climate Change Guide from Keep Scotland Beautiful is a useful starter guide to climate change, explaining clearly the fundamentals of climate change and its effects, and would be particularly useful for working with communities where there is need to build capacity for informed participation in local climate projects.