Co-production Week Scotland 2024: Embedding co-production

This article was featured in the SCDC Weekly - 7th August 2024.

How do we embed co-production as the way we deliver support and services across Scotland? That’s the question at the centre of Co-production Week Scotland taking place in November. 

Co-production is an approach to delivering services that combines everyone’s strengths so that the people involved can work together in a mutual way to achieve positive change. It has close ties to community development, with a focus on ‘doing with, not to’. 

Through recent examples and discussion at Ideas Clinics, we’ve heard how common values, peer support and shared learning can be instrumental in enabling co-production to make amazing differences to people’s lives. But how do we ensure this work leads to real, lasting change? 

The question of embedding co-production is key.  As resources become ever more scarce, it's more important than ever that co-production is championed and supported – especially by those making critical funding decisions.

During the week, Scottish Co-production Network members will be exploring how we harness the structures, systems and, crucially, resources needed to cement co-production as a way to advocate for lived experience, and shift the balance of power in decision-making. 

Co-production Week Scotland takes place between 18th - 22nd November 2024. 

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