How we can all shape a net-zero economy
/SCDC has submitted a response to the Scottish Government’s Just Transition Commission, which is advising the Scottish Government on how to work towards “a net-zero economy that is fair for all”. The Commission had launched a call for evidence to inform its final recommendations, which closed on the 30th June.
Our response calls for the Scottish Government to support a “bottom-up” transition giving the people of Scotland the chance to hear and discuss the issues and options in order to inform how we proceed. In addition to the use of democratic innovations such as citizens assemblies, we outline how community organisations should have a key role in a transition given their local knowledge and reach. We highlight how community organisations, with the right support and partnership in place, can rapidly and effectively mobilise, as shown during the coronavirus pandemic.
Other community sector organisations and networks have submitted repsonses which we’ll provide links to when these become available.