Taking the next steps around community-led action research in Scotland

This article was featured in the SCDC Weekly - 10th July 2024.

SCDC recently brought together those working around community-led action research to share learning and ideas about how this approach can be used by communities to set their priorities, and carry out the actions they want to see.

A new piece has outlined some of the key discussion points from the day, showing why it’s such a powerful approach, with its community development foundations meaning research often stems from community priorities and issues that already exist. 

We heard how community-led action research can have huge impact, with the research results adding weight and authority to community views and priorities, rooted in community assets and experiences

We also discussed the challenges, and the need to ensure we can evidence the approach and thoughtfully consider issues such as how we recognise volunteer researchers’ time and work. 

We think this is an approach whose time has come, and should be endorsed and supported by a wide range of stakeholders, with discrete resources deployed, and that good practice brought together to inform our collective learning. 

To achieve this, we’re aiming to bring those interested together to set out the actions they can take to help us progress towards these goals. We’ll have more to share soon through the Weekly soon, and hope you can be involved. 

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