Sector responds as Edinburgh community organisations face funding cuts

This article was featured in the SCDC Weekly - 6th November 2024.

Voices from across the sector have called for proposed cuts to community organisations in Edinburgh to be halted, and for further engagement to take place to better understand the impact this decision could have.

Edinburgh Integrated Joint Board is proposing to end its community grants programme next year, cutting £4.5 million from its budget and withdrawing funding from 64 community organisations. Councillors voted on Friday to reject proposed in-year cuts, but questions still remain about next year's funding.

CHEX, part of SCDC, has said: "These vital community-led organisations contribute hugely towards preventative approaches, which are so important to reducing Scotland's rising health inequalities and the impact the effects of these inequalities are having on public services overall."

Carey Lunan, chair of the Scottish Deep End Project said: "The communities we care for already experience the highest levels of socio-economic disadvantage, which means that people live shorter lives, in sicker health. The services that are being cut offer support to many vulnerable and marginalised groups..."

SCVO have also responded, with Director, Anna Fowlie, saying: "Far from saving money, this will generate significant costs to public services as people fall through the cracks..."

SCDC recently called for new engagement duties to be placed on public bodies, including health and social care partnerships, which would provide communities with greater influence and control about how decisions are made about local service delivery. We will continue to argue for this approach as the Democracy Matters process continues. 

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