How community-led action research is making an impact

This article was featured in the SCDC Weekly - 20th March 2024.

Community-led action research is crucial tool that enables communities to set their priorities and carry out the actions they want to see. We recently set out our vision for what might be next, but what does it look like in action? 

There are examples to draw upon from across Scotland, exploring a range of diverse issues and showcasing the versatility of the approach.

Shetland Community Connections’ research into the disabled access of venues and services in Shetland led to commitments by providers to act on the issues raised. We've also seen how Moray Wellbeing Hub and Community Action Blackburn have sought to use their research to raise awareness of neurodiversity and firework safety. 

Sometimes, the dual impact of improving services and benefits to community researchers are both felt at once. This was the case for Dundee group Taking Up Sophie’s Fight, whose members have gone on to shape the development of a 24-hour mental health crisis centre in Dundee as well as a Mental Health Academy in the city.  

Of course, these shifts don't happen overnight. Just like academic and scientific research, it can take time for change to filter through into policy making. But, if properly resourced and supported, community-led action research can be a powerful way for communities to take action on the issues important to them. 

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