Girls and young women feel lack of influence in decision-making, survey shows

This article was featured in the SCDC Weekly - 24th July 2024.

A survey of more than 3,000 girls and young women has found deep distrust in politicians, a lack of ability to influence, and barriers to participation in decision making around the issues important to them. 

Plan UK found that only 25% of girls and young women surveyed feel involved in decisions about politics and the way the country is run. Those identifying as LGBTQ+ feel particularly removed from political decision making, with 67% reporting they are not at all involved, compared to 49% of girls and young women who do not identify as LGBTQ+. 

The survey also found that 60% of girls do not trust politicians at all, with mistrust increasing with age and for those with a mental or physical health condition, disability, or who are neurodivergent. 

Participation was just one of the issues raised by the report, which also highlights girls’ and young women's experiences around health, the cost-of-living crisis and pressure around gender norms.  

Scotland recently enshrined UNCRC ‘right to be heard’ into law, putting sharp focus on the requirements of duty-bearers to ensure children and young people have a say in how decisions are made. It's vital this right is enacted in an inclusive way which takes into account the different experiences of children and young people in our diverse communities.

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