Resource explores human rights and climate connections

This article was featured in the SCDC Weekly - 22nd January 2025

The climate crisis is the most urgent issue facing humanity right now, and we know its impact is felt most by those who have the least wealth and power. 

This resource from Third Sector Human Rights & Equalities explores the connection between human rights and climate change, and how organisations can work to address the unjust imbalances we see across our society. 

The resource explores some of the ways in which climate change impacts marginalised groups in specific, and often more severe ways, and gives third sector organisations the information it needs to understand this developing issue. 

These specific groups include race and ethnicity, those who live in neighbourhoods in low-income areas, rurality, women, LGBTQ+ people, and disability. 

It also sets out how organisations can use the FREDA approach (Fairness, Respect, Equality, Dignity and Autonomy), combined with the PANEL principles of Participation, Accountability, Non-discrimination, Empowerment, Legality. 

With collective action at the heart of community development, community-led climate action has shown to make a significant difference in reducing climate impact, addressing inequalities and lessening climate anxiety. 

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