New training to support public bodies

This article was featured in the SCDC Weekly - 23rd October 2024.

We’ve launched a new suite of training designed to enable public bodies and partnerships to support community priorities and aspirations. 

Participation, community engagement, and co-production are key elements of policy and practice in Scotland. How these concepts are applied by public bodies is key if we're to deliver on our national ambitions around community empowerment, human rights and reducing inequalities.  

Our new training offer is specifically designed to support public bodies and partnerships to understand these broad policy trends and objectives, giving staff time to gain new knowledge and skills - and confidently apply them in their work. 

Focused on the key topics relevant to this agenda, our training offer scales to different levels and confidence. We can help you to take stock of your situation, discuss what training outcomes you’re looking to achieve and help make the most out of the time and resources available.  

Authoritative and value-led, this training brings together our knowledge of the developing empowerment policy environment, and a team of highly experienced facilitators to deliver engaging and participative sessions - no ‘death-by-powerpoint’. 

View our training page to find out more.  

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