Event: Co-production Ideas Clinic on 12th September

This article was featured in the SCDC Weekly - 28th August 2024.

Next month, Scottish Co-production Network members are coming together to exchange learning, ideas and tricky problems about their practice and experiences. 

The SCN Ideas Clinics are informal, peer-learning events where you can hear from network members about their work delivering co-production in different settings.  

The session will start with brief presentations from three SCN members, and then you’ll then then be free to choose what to dig into in the subsequent online breakout rooms. 

At this clinic, we’ll be exploring the value of co-producing research, how co-design can lead to better understanding of youth needs and perspectives, and how co-production enables approaches to supporting neurodiversity. 

This event takes place as preparations are underway for Co-production Week Scotland where the network will be exploring how we embed co-production as the way we deliver support and services across the country.  

Sign up to attend here

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