SCDC statement on the Covid-19 crisis
/Here at SCDC we have been awed but not surprised at the grassroots community response springing up. Scotland’s communities are made of strong connections, talents and kindness.
We are concerned, however, that the Covid-19 crisis will have profound impacts beyond our immediate health, and that a spiked economic recession will disproportionately impact people living in our most deprived communities along with organisations and groups that support them.
The immediate measures put in place by our Scottish Government, of a £350 million fund, are very welcome, particularly the commitment to flexibility and trust in communities in how best the fund supports welfare and wellbeing.
While we support the Government's commitment and approach this should be done in a dignified and participatory way. We must never forget communities that are often overlooked, for example, communities of people who are disabled, who experience homelessness and those who are likely to be hardest hit for other social and economic reasons.
We will continue to work to link the views of those communities with decision makers to help make sure no-one is left behind.