Social Attitudes Survey shows strong support for redistribution and taxation

This article was featured in the SCDC Weekly - 31st July 2024.

The latest Scottish Social Attitudes Survey has shown significant support for more progressive redistribution and increased taxation to fund key public services.  

When asked whether government should redistribute income from the better-off to those who are less well-off, 50% of respondents strongly agreed or agreed compared to 23% who disagreed or strongly disagreed. 

47% of people thought the government should increase taxes and spending on health, education and social benefits, with 38% supporting keeping it the same and 12% preferring a reduction in spending. 

A fairer distribution of resources would be a significant step in addressing some of the stark injustices Scotland faces, such as high levels of poverty and worsening health inequalities. 

Respondents were also asked to pick from a list of options that they thought Scottish Government’s highest priority should be, and improving the economy came top of the list by a sizeable lead.   

The survey also found that the number of people who trust the Scottish Government itself to work in Scotland’s best interests has fallen from 61% to 47% - the lowest level since the survey began. 

With the Scottish Parliamentary elections less than two years away, this support for increased redistribution should inform the political choices ahead of us – and the role community organisations can play in achieving a fairer, more just Scotland. 

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