Closes Friday: Share your views about third sector funding challenge

This article was featured in the SCDC Weekly - 7th August 2024.

What does fair and efficient funding look like for the third sector in Scotland? That’s the question the Social Justice and Social Security Committee is asking, and SCDC are seeking views as we submit our response.  

The parliamentary committee launched its call for views as part of the pre-budget scrutiny process, reflecting concerns about funding challenges faced by the sector.   

Anyone running a third sector organisation will know well the impact that uncertainty, delays and reductions in funding can cause – especially in an environment where strained public services mean additional pressure on community organisations.   

If you are a third sector/community organisation and you’d like to contribute to the response, you can fill in our short survey by this Friday, 9th August at 5pm and help us provide a comprehensive response to the committee’s questions.   

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