Launch event: New course to support young people's voices around health and wellbeing

This article was featured in the SCDC Weekly - 4th September 2024.

How do we support young people to use their voices to take action on the health issues important to them? Launching at an event in October, a new HIIC course will help to answer that question by providing young people with new skills and understanding around health, power and social justice.

With the recent passing of the UNCRC, children and young people now have a 'right to be heard' around the issues that affect them. And with just 25% of girls and young women recently surveyed feeling involved in how decisions are made about their lives, it's vital that young people are supported to increase their influence and power.

Health and wellbeing is key issue for young people, and this new Health Issues in the Community (HIIC) course provides people with the skills, knowledge and confidence they need to amplify their voices and make change happen around their health and the health of their communities.

Hosted by CHEX, this in person event in Glasgow will be a chance to learn about this new course, and the focus on empowering young people to take action on the health issues important to them. We'll hear from tutors and previous course participants, who will be sharing their experiences and insights.

Sign up: Wednesday 9th October, 1pm - 3:30pm in Glasgow

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